..Note.. I don't really need trigger warnings, but PLEASE tag any mentions of substance abuse. Additionally, heavy NSFW is making me uncomfortable too, so if you base your whole account around that please don't mind me not interacting with you lol

- I'm very sarcastic & can be harsh and too honest sometimes
- I swear a lot
- I ramble about stuff I really like
- I make "kms" jokes, I also say "kys" if we're close enough

- queerphobic
- racist
- proshipper
- you're a delusional stan/fan (whether it's KPOP, Enstars or DreamSMP does not matter)
- below the age of 14 unless I follow first

1. omori ★
2. persona 3/4/5 ★
3. enstars!! ★
4. professor layton
5. valorant & league
6. ace attorney
1. vocaloid ★
2. bungou stray dogs ★
3. mob psycho 100 ★
4. chainsaw man
5. jujutsu Kaisen
6. many more!!